Reggae Music for Kids (and Adults, Too!)
Updated: 2012-09-30 01:06:12
, Entertainment World Music Search World Music World Music Basics Artists Genres and Styles Share Free World Music Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum Reggae Music for Kids and Adults , Too By Megan Romer Guide September 30, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter A friend was recently lamenting to me that her three-year-old son is really drawn to reggae music and how she wished that she had the time to go through her substantial reggae CD collection and burn discs of child-appropriate songs , as she'd rather he not listen to songs with drug-related lyrics . Mostly , she admits , because I'll never hear the end of it from my Mother-in-Law if Benny sings some of those lyrics at family dinner The truth is , the majority of recorded reggae songs aren't